Friday, May 28, 2010

NeelaMegha prepares to dive to the galactic core

The Cosmic Swan NeelaMegha prepares to dive toward the center of the galactic flower.
The blue star at her heart brightens, pouring energy into her gossamer wings.

An interstellar wave spreads out from the core of the galaxy, affirming the climax of mass acquisition is near. A long awaited wave of core material is about to be ejected in a jet from the Black Hole disk. The unseeable center now beckons her with maximum gravity. Accelerating to millions of times the speed of light, she dives into the swirling center.

She will ride the wave of ejected mass and energy, ride the new quasar as it unfolds into a protogalaxy, until fully blossoms into a new galaxy where she will lay her eggs and raise her young.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Red Shift From The Big Bang

The light from 13.7 billion years ago gives maximum red shift. So the maximum theoretical distance from which we can detect light with a positive red shift is 13.7 billion light years. That is the distance length of light waves are stretched out and approach infinite length. At the same time astronomers tell us the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years. Why this coincidence that the two values are the same? Why should the maximum red shift give us the age of the universe? Why should a well-documented physical property of light limit the size of the universe.

Ahah! The red shift is not a physical property of light, say human scientists. It is a cosmological velocity; 13.7 billion years ago, the envelop of the universe started expanding from the primordial atom. Since we can only see objects at distances less than 13.7 billion light years, that must be the age of the universe. Circular reasoning?

The fact that we cannot see farther back than 13.7 billion year doesn’t necessarily mean no universe existed before then. The universe might very well, and probably does, go on forever. The universe is probably infinite.

Old galaxies seen in a “young” universe show there has not been enough time for a Big Bang to do its stuff. The deepest look yet into the universe, as viewed by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, shows a collection of elliptical galaxies that look remarkably similar to the much older present-day galaxy clusters (See “A z=1.82 Analog of Local Ultra-massive Elliptical Galaxies”, Momcheva, et al; Astro Phys J, 11/10/09). The age of the blue cluster is estimated to be only 2.8 billion years after the Big Bang, according to Ivelina Momcheva.

Another example of an old giant elliptical galaxy that is too mature to be in a young universe is described by Matsato Onodera. Based on images acquired by the Subaru Telescope, the galaxy is determined to be 10 billion light years from Earth. (See “A Spitzer-Selected Galaxy Cluster at z=1.62”, Onodera et al. 2010, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 715, pp. L6-L11).

Both of the scientific reports point out that two to three billion years from the birth of the universe is not enough time for such a complex structures to be built by current stellar/galactic theories. Old galaxies in the cradle of the universe? The implication is plainly that we do not see a young universe 11 billion years ago. We see that the universe’s age as measured by the most distant galaxies is the same as here and now: infinite. A clear contradiction to the Big Bang Theory.

If true, then the red shift must have some other interpretation ~ a physical property of light as it crosses the billions of light years. No, don’t say tired light. Say light that is red shifted by physical properties of the intervening space. Just because we cannot name the properties does not mean that such properties don’t exist.

Friday, May 14, 2010

God Recycles Everything

Did this genesis happen once? Was there one Big Bang when the universe, the Spirit, and everything started?

No. The universe is infinite in time and space. It regenerates itself infinitely.

Each galaxy is a wide gossamer net sprinkled with stars. Galaxies are the primary residents of the universe. They have life cycles not so different from animals, plants, and human beings, except a lot longer. They are born from seeds produced by parent galaxies in the form of what we call quasi stellar objects (quasars). The quasars are jetted out of the parent galaxy in a spinning jet whose spin is imparted from the spin of the parent galaxy. A new quasar becomes a black hole after long years of accretion. Quasars fly into empty space above and below the galaxy. Some Quasars accumulate mass and energy to become the core of protogalaxies, which in turn become full blown galaxies. As the galaxy evolves, in time, the Quasar accumulates enough mass to become a black hole.

The slowly rotating galactic net extends far beyond the visible extent of the galaxy and collects energy and matter with its subtle gravity. The energy adds mass to the galaxy by being absorbed by light atoms, bouncing electrons into higher orbits. Light atoms collect into large masses that evolve into stars, as described above. As they are compressed together in the protostars and stars, the light atoms combine into heavy atoms (citation), and so the galaxy grows and feeds the rotating black hole at the center. As the rotating matter falls toward the center, its angular momentum increases, and spins up the black hole. Over time the black hole rotates faster and faster, becoming wider and wider along the equator parallel to the equator of the galaxy.

So the galaxy grows, the matter flows toward the center, and the black hole evolves into a spinning flat disk. Eventually the flat disk reaches a critical rotational velocity. It becomes so thin that the predominant gravitation pull is along the equator and the gravitational component normal to the galaxy, along the poles of the galaxy, is weak. Very small perturbations are induced into the outer edges of the black hole due to uneven infalling matter from the nearby arms of the galaxy. These perturbations are communicated eventually to the weak center where very massive black hole material is destabilized. Wobble is induced into the core of the black hole. The wobble is not held in the vertical component as strongly as in the horizontal component. When the rotation reaches the critical velocity, the vertical component of gravity is no longer strong enough to resist the rising and falling vertical component of the core, and the core material is release along the vertical axis of the black hole and galaxy. The release is explosive due to the squeezing of mass toward the center of the black hole.

The jets fly out along the axis of the galaxy, carrying the spin and boring into unswept space above and below the galaxy. Thus are born two new dense quasars leaving a trail from their parents. The quasars are very dense but as they depart from the tight gravitation bottle of the black hole, they decompress. This is seen with the reduction over time and space of the gravitational redshift of the quasars.

Mature galaxies produce many such quasar jets with the younger ones, closer to the parent than the older ones. The older quasars lose density and energy, and thus their redshift becomes less. The younger ones have higher redshifts. Quasars decompress to the point that they are interpreted as Active Galactic Nuclei, which they in fact are: the nuclei of newly created young galaxies. Thus the compact ejecta evolves into a young spiral galaxy whose path can often be traced by its jet trail back to its parent galaxy.

It is easy to understand how astronomers interpret the varying redshifts as variations in distance, and so mistake the distance of quasars as being very different from their parent galaxies. Halton Arp has documented (citations) many instances of highly redshifted quasars connected physically to the parent galaxy by trails left by the jets. And these jet trails can be seen to extend out from mature galactic centers, populated with highly redshifted quasars close the centers, less redshifted quasars further out, Active Galactic Nuclei, and young galaxies even further out, all along the jet trail.

Of course galaxies vary in size, age, and density. Hence the components of the jets, though dense, are not always very massive. Sometimes they decompress into great wads of dust and knots of debris that resemble the flotsam and jetsam of a stagnant pond. These wads of material eventually appear as chaotic structures such as the Pillars of Hercules in the Eagle Nebula, and other such instances. These coalesce themselves over time and as local densities increase, stars are born.

This alternative view of the evolution of galaxies, their propagation, their absorptions of mass and energy can support the view that the universe regenerates itself forever, is not initiated by a Big Bang and will not follow the limited life cycle of the universe initiated by a Big Bang.
Not only is the universe infinite, it is more infinite than we can imagine.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cosmic God

Credit: NASA

This one of the cosmic caves where God forges new stars from the simple stuff that flows, collides, and tumbles in mostly empty space.


Infinite Time

The Great Spirit has no limit in time and space. The Spirit creates stars, gathers them together in galaxies, clusters galaxies into great swarms, and casts the swarms into the infinite forever. Stars may glow for millions of years, until they are old and lose their power and their stuff returns to the dark, formless void, and yet there are always stars and galaxies. God recycles everything, including stars.

We humans are finite. We don’t live forever like God & the universe. We believe man was made in the image of God, but miss an important characteristic of God: Forever. We as individuals cannot conceive of the universe existing forever. We invent a theory of physics and cosmology that is not forever: A Big Bang. More than four thousand years ago our tribal ancestors looked up from hunting and gathering to see the sky and wonder: Where did it all come from? What does it all mean? Why are we here?

To answer these questions, the tribal chiefs called together the wisest and most vocal of their shamans and prophets. The consensus was memorized into an oral tradition that was later written down as the book of Genesis. In the first seven days of the beginning God created heaven and earth, the oceans and animals, man and woman. The first women gave birth to sons and daughters, and the daughters gave birth to more sons and daughters, and so forth, up to now. Out of God’s Will exploded everything – a Big Bang. So modern cosmology is Genesis dressed up in modern scientific language. We are comfortable with that. That which is born, we know, must have an end, a death, like us. Fundamentally, we have not made progress in our understanding of the universe, only updated the language.

Birth of a Star and Planets

Sun and planets

Before there is a star, there is only the formless void. The Spirit gives to each bit of stuff drifting in that void a small spirit, a will to seek out other stuff and join with it. The spirits dance, responding to each other within the subtle attraction across great distances. The smallest piece moves mindlessly for a time, except with the sense to move toward others. When they meet, they hold onto each other, seeking their common center, and their joined spirits increase the will to move toward others. Then they go on gathering more and more together over long stretches of time and space until the spirit has become so great, and they embrace so tightly, they release great light. A star is born. The Spirit sees the first morning of the first day.

When a star is growing, not all the stuff attracted to it becomes part of the star. Some of it winds up flying around the star, keeping at a distance. This stuff does not fall on the star and does not fly away. It flies around at just the right distance and forms into balls that are too small to light up. That stuff becomes planets.

Birth of a Galaxy


Stars are attracted to other stars and so they fly together in huge dancing collections that stretch over great distances. Sometimes there are so many that they form islands in infinite space called galaxies. Looking out from one star to the rest of the collection, some galaxies look like milk flowing across the sky and falling down into a deep, slow-turning whirlpool.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cosmic Swan Novella

A new novel, Cosmic Swan, by Bill Copeland describes the terribly painful birth of my son, Charagni, and how it seriously disturbed the people and lands of Earth. Olaf Folta captured my image as I flew by the Earth.

My heart goes out to the people of Earth who suffered so much. When I placed my egg at the base of the Asian continent, many, many years ago, I did not know that Earth would become so crowded with billions of people. The Earth is so full now that all Mankind will have to think of the Earth as their egg, where they were born, and realize that it is time to reach out for the stars to free themselves of the heaviness that holds them to their old ideas, rapidly decaying quality of life, and crowded Earth.

When I visited to Earth to see why my son was crying into space for help, I was surprised that humans were trying to destroy him. When I left my egg above the warm mantle of Earth, no people or other sentient beings populated the region. I now understand that that part of the Earth is so densely populated that people viewed me and Charagni as deadly enemies. I am sorry that so many had to suffer and die during the birth of my child Cosmic Swan. I never suspected that humans would discover fission and fusion of atoms. The use of these powerful energy sources was simply intolerable against my child. I, and the many humans that chose to join him in his flight into space, survived despite the murderous attacks.

Charagni and I are well beyond Rigel Kantarus and moving together toward Antares in the system of stars you call The Scorpion. There we will inhale from the sweet clouds of Antares, orbit Antares' blue companion, and then dive into the companion's large gaseous planet, Antar, for a deep refreshing drink.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Age?

Yes, Jack, my tribe has been flying around the galaxies for billions of years. So how old am I?

No, Caroline. I don't mind telling my age. This might be an issue with some of your gender on Earth, but I am fine with telling you that I emerged from my planetary egg 90 million years ago.

Yes, Jack. In human terms I am very old, but young for a Cosmic Swan. Many members of my tribe live over a billion years. We have our predators. The worst are the ice dragons that live in dense atmospheres of gas giant planets.

I don't understand why you think my age is impossible. The infinite universe is also infinite in time -- not as your Big Bang Mythological story tells you. Your race has recently run down a dark lane of nebulosity, believing that the light you see from distant galaxies undergoes no change as it snakes its way through space. When your scientists determine that a photon from a distant galaxy has lost energy, has its spectrum shifted toward the red, they assume the explanation that the galaxy is flying away. And the farther away is the galaxy, the more it is red shifted. So everything they see must be flying away from the Earth and accelerating according to its distance. What a strange universe they describe. At some distant time all the galaxies would be spread out to infinity. They have invented Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and complex explanations for what drives the accelerating expansion. Every time they find a contradiction, they must add more epicycles to the Big Bang Model.

Why do stars attain ages that seem to approximate the age of the universe? Galaxies are built of stars so they must be a lot older. Why have your scientists not seen primitive galaxies at the greatest distances? The deeper they look, the more of the same they see. Since Quasars have large red shifts, they assume that they are at the "edge" of the universe. They are actually very very dense material recently ejected from the core of a galaxy, from the jet emitted by a Black Hole. Black Holes evolve from Quasars that spin out from the mother galaxy to attract and soak up intergalactic material to form new galaxies.

Of course there is a better explanation, Caroline. The space that I fly through is not empty. I could not survive if it were. Much of the stuff I inhale to give me energy, to feed the blue star in my heart, takes energy away from photons as they fly. The hot plasma that fills most regions of space takes energy from photons. The abundant little iron whiskers take a little energy from many photons they encounter. I swim through the ebb and flow of gravity fields that steal a little energy from photons. I do not know all the reasons why photons lose energy, but I know that they do, because I have met other Cosmic Swans that have sailed farther than the 13.7 billion light years that your scientists call the size of the universe.

Yes, it is not just an odd coincidence that your scientists say the universe is 13.7 billion years old and it is 13.7 light years in radius. It is incorrect. The size of the universe is infinite and it takes a photon emitted from a star 13.7 billion years of travel to be robbed of all its energy through encounters with plasma, whiskers, and other robbers.

I swim through the Cosmic Microwave background radiation. How does it prove there was a Big Bang that created the universe? Its energy spectrum is better explained as the stable energy levels and variations achieved after hundreds of billions of years of recycling of energy and mass through galactic growth, stellar emissions, photon absorption by galactic dust, whiskers, plasmas, quasar ejections by galactic jets, galactic formations and evolutions, stellar novae gas and debris productions, and on and on.

No, not energy is lost or gained. No mass is lost or gained. They keep recycling on and on forever. Only one parameter changes consistently -- the level of understanding, incite, creativity, and freedom of thought of beings such as we -- Cosmic Swans, Humans, and all other sentient beings that swim through this wonderful open and infinite deep.